Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It Has Begun..... I am, standing on the brink of losing all that i have ever believed in. Ready to take a plunge into the clear blue waters of Arts and life...away from the murky depths of Engineering :-)

Life is never meant to be planned, you know. It's like the Big Guy up there takes a pleasure in actually throwing a spanner into all that you have ever planned to do with your life. Trust me, he truly works in ways you cannot see...until situations come along and sucker punch you. Not a pleasant feeling!! You think you have it all planned, like a schedule which executives follow on their idiotic Blackberry (idiotic because they are too goddamn expensive for me!). Go to college in the morning, attend half the lectures (duh!), try to chat up with the class cutie, pig out in the cafeteria, try to download songs and episodes of Naruto using the Programming Lab...this picture perfect scene will last for only so long :-)

Soon comes the time when you start missing the morning train and you don't mind, you don't want to attend any lectures, the girl you had a crush on starts hanging around with your sworn enemy *damn the bloody guy to the depths of hell*, you find a baby cockroach in the food served to you (baby cockroaches don't make you go awwww btw), the speed of the Internet connection sucks and it takes ages to download even a simple song........the list is endless!

That's just the beginning....the attendance reports put your name bang at the start of the blacklist; your weekly test marks are so low, the professor actually tells you to stay away from the tests, you lose all interest and the downward spiral has begun! The thought sneaks in your is just not your cup of tea. You argue and fight with the professors everyday, refuse to submit your assignments on time (blame it on Counter-Strike!), and basically do everything you are not supposed to do...

In such abysmal times of distress and insomnia, you lie awake and stare at your ceiling, wondering where did it all go wrong? And an irritaing voice answers back "You lacked the focus and the right attitude, when you had all the aptitude! Whaddaya expect now, eh?" I swear sometimes I wonder why do I even have a conscience...but then I think again and I let the matter be...that's a discussion for another time! :-)

After all the failed attempts, I can only look back in shame, disgust and contempt, all three feelings directed towards me. I know I should have when I could have, but somehow something just wasn't right.

And now, after all these attempts at justifying my actions these past three years, I am at peace. Life has found meaning once again...Arts in English Literature, Psychology and Philosophy beckons..and my face is turned towards a brighter horizon filled with fresh beginnings and happiness aplenty!!! :-) It has begun....never to end :-)

"But it’s just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
Cause I’m Mr Brightside"
-Mr.Brightside by Killers


  1. Great post. =D
    You can tidy up the paragraph structures and the grammar at places, but other than that, an inspiring and well written read. :)

  2. thnx man...:)this was just pasted from a note on my cell and posted here....nxt tym it will be much better :)

  3. Nice first post. All the best in your new venture dude.
    Keep blogging.

  4. Nice one, but I wanna see ya get all poetic.
    Oh & post MOAR, dude.
